L’Associació Amics de Gaudí ha signat un acord de col·laboració amb l’Abadia de Montserrat. El monestir, llar de la patrona de Catalunya, compta amb una obra de Gaudí poc coneguda: el Primer Misteri de Glòria.


La signatura d’aquest conveni marc cerca afavorir la col·laboració entre ambdues institucions en la recerca i divulgació de l’obra i figura de Gaudí. L’acord permetrà organitzar exposicions, simposis i conferències sobre Gaudí al monestir; i obre la porta a possibles publicacions conjuntes. L’Abadia, a més, passa a ser amic institucional d’Amics de Gaudí i obté assessorament expert de l’Associació en matèria gaudiniana.


Beneficis per als socis


Gràcies a l’acord; tots els socis d’Amics de Gaudí obtindràn un descompte en la afiliació a l’associació Amics de Montserrat; i els membres d’Amics de Montserrat podràn fer-se socis d’Amics de Gaudí al preu reduït destinat a estudiants i jubilats. Amics de Montserrat té una quota única de 25€; però pels Amics de Gaudí serà de 15€.


A més, tots els socis d’Amics de Gaudí en actiu a data de signatura del conveni (març de 2017) obtindràn gratuïtament, si ho desitgen, l’afiliació a Amics de Montserrat. Els interessats hauran de posar-se en contacte amb Amics de Gaudí a través del correu press@amicsdegaudi.com abans de juny de 2017.


Formar part d’Amics de Montserrat suposa diversos avantatges: descomptes en l’aparcament a Montserrat i en els bitllets pel cremallera, preus reduïts a la botiga del Monestir, descomptes en l’allotjament a l’Hotel Abat Cisneros i a les Cel·les Abat Marcet; descomptes al Museu de Montserrat, etc…


Avantatges Amics de Montserrat


Per gaudir del descompte en l’afiliació a l’associació Amics de Montserrat, poseu-vos en contacte amb press@amicsdegaudi.com. Consulteu tots els descomptes i avantatges pels Amics de Montserrat al seu web.


Gaudí i Montserrat


La vinculació de l’arquitecte amb Montserrat és un dels motius principals per aquest acord. El Primer Misteri de Glòria (1900-1907) és una interessant obra col·lectiva que forma part del Rosari Monumental de Montserrat. Gaudí hi participà projectant una cova a la roca de la muntanya que al·ludeix al Sant Sepulcre. En ella, l’arquitecte hi col·locà, vetllant, un àngel i el grup de les tres Maríes, escultures elaborades per Dionís Renart. Sobre la cova, Gaudí va projectar una estàtua de Crist Ressuscitat, obra de Josep Llimona.


La figura de Gaudí a Montserrat, però, va més enllà del Misteri de Glòria. Com a estudiant, Gaudí va col·laborar amb Francesc Villar en el projecte de Cambril de la Verge i la capella posterior. També participà en el Primer Congrés Litúrgic de Montserrat (1915) i assistí amb interés a les sessions de cant gregorià del Pare Sunyol, montjo del monestir. A més, Gaudí va visitar en diverses ocasions la muntanya santa, i era reconeguda la seva admiració per l’entorn natural del Monestir i la seva devoció per la Verge de Montserrat.




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    safe, and versatile financial platform. Skrill fits this description perfectly,
    offering a secure digital wallet for all your online transactions.

    This e-commerce platform ensures that your information and funds are secure.
    By purchasing a verified Skrill account, you guarantee uninterrupted service.

    Verification means Skrill has acknowledged and approved your account
    details, enhancing your credibility. Therefore, acquiring a verified account is a
    wise investment. It promotes ease of transactions, increases your limits, and gives you peace of mind knowing you’re operating safely.

  136. Purchasing a verified Paypal account can offer fast transactions & global business operations.

    It’s critical to ensure that accounts are legally acquired,
    fully verified, and secure. Reliable sources offer benefits like ID proof, address proof, and card confirmation. However, beware of scams, always deal with reputable sellers,
    and regularly monitor your account to prevent potential security issues.
    Remember, verified Paypal accounts can open up global
    e-commerce opportunities conveniently and securely.

  137. Purchasing a verified PayPal account offers numerous benefits, especially for businesses.
    A verified account not only increases your sending limit but
    also instills trust in your potential clients or customers.
    However, buying a verified PayPal account is not advisable
    or ethical, as it can lead to potential fraud and violates
    PayPal’s Terms of Service. Instead, consider verifying your own PayPal account by linking it to your bank account or credit card.
    This way, you ensure the safety of your financial transactions while maintaining your business’s reputation. Remember, building trust takes time,
    but it is worth it for the long-term success of your business.

  138. Buying a verified Paypal account can be an enticing proposition for many due to its numerous benefits.
    Firstly, it eases transactions globally with its efficient,
    secure payment structure. It eliminates the hassle of providing identification or bank confirmation every time a transaction is made.
    However, remember it’s essential to deal with reputable sellers when buying such accounts.
    Ensure the seller’s credibility to avoid falling into cyber fraud
    traps. Ultimately, a verified PayPal account is a worthwhile investment for effortless international transactions, but caution is imperative.

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  140. Verified Stripe accounts offer an easy and secure way to manage online transactions for your business.

    These accounts offer a variety of benefits, including the ability to accept payments in various forms, seamless integration with numerous platforms and enhanced security features.
    Purchasing a verified Stripe account can streamline your
    business operations, improve customer experience and drive your
    business growth. Before buying, it’s essential to ensure
    the seller is reputable to avoid potential fraud. Remember, the right investment
    in your business’s financial operations can significantly impact
    its overall success.

  141. A verified 2Checkout account can be a gamechanger for your online business, offering a
    simplified avenue for processing digital payments.
    To purchase, search for reputable online providers. Prioritize providers who offer after-sales
    technical support, account setup help, and reasonable pricing.

    Review each offer carefully, ensuring it includes all essential features.
    Always remember to secure your purchased account with strong, unique
    passwords for safety. By investing in a verified 2Checkout account, you’re choosing to streamline operations and create
    a smoother, more efficient payment process for your clients.

  142. Buying a verified 2Checkout account is a valuable investment for your online business.
    Being verified by 2Checkout means credibility and reliability, which could lead to an increased customer base and more sales.
    A verified account can process payments swiftly and securely,
    providing seamless transactions between you and your customers.
    Additionally, 2Checkout offers global payment solutions, allowing you
    to cater to international customers hassle-free. The verification process may seem time-consuming and challenging,
    but buying a verified account streamlines this process so you can focus on growing your
    business. Purchase a verified 2Checkout account today and enjoy the perks of credibility, scalability,
    and global reach.

  143. Acquiring a verified Bet365 account is a smart move
    for savvy online gamers. With verification, transparency and legitimacy are assured.
    Verified accounts enhance your gaming experience,
    offering uninterrupted play, access to customer support, freedom to play worldwide, and safe transactions.
    Having a verified account also instills trust with
    Bet365. Additionally, withdrawal of your winnings is guaranteed
    without any unnecessary delays. Therefore, buying a
    verified Bet365 account gives you the confidence to focus
    solely on the game. Experience the best of online betting today
    with a verified bet365 account.

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  145. Investing in a verified Bitpay account offers unique security and convenience for cryptocurrency transactions.
    Bitpay gives users the freedom to buy, store, and
    exchange multiple cryptocurrencies securely. With KYC verification, the user can protect their assets, ensuring
    only authenticated transactions. Once verified, buy with credit/debit cards, Apple Pay,
    or bank transfers. Enjoy instant transactions, cold storage
    security, flexible payment methods, and worldwide
    access. Safety, versatility, and convenience make buying
    a verified Bitpay account an intelligent investment for crypto users.

  146. Purchasing a verified Cash App account is a crucial step for fast, secure financial transactions.
    A verified account offers increased security and higher transaction limits, making it ideal for both personal and business usage.
    To buy a verified account, ensure you use a reputable provider to avoid scams and fraudulent activities.
    Enjoy the convenience of instant money transfers, bill
    payments, and online shopping with a verified Cash
    App account. Always remember, safeguarding sensitive
    information should be your top priority. So, invest in a verified Cash
    App account for a hassle-free digital banking experience.

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  148. Purchasing a verified Payoneer account is beneficial for secure
    global transactions. It helps in eliminating the hassle of lengthy verification processes
    and providing immediate access to multiple currency transactions.
    As a pre-verified account, it keeps your financial transactions safe.
    Platforms selling verified Payoneer accounts follow strict policies to ensure account security and
    credibility. You just need to buy and personalize your account.
    Always choose reliable sellers to ensure account legitimacy and avoid possible scams.
    Buying a verified Payoneer account gives you a seamless and worry-free global transaction experience.

  149. Purchasing a verified Bitpay account offers numerous benefits such as secured cryptocurrency transactions.
    Having a verified account not only brings credibility to your crypto operations but also provides access to superior services.

    Bitpay, being a trusted name in Bitcoin and blockchain payments,
    provides tight security measures, exciting features, and user-friendly
    interfaces for smooth trading. Thus, acquiring a verified account can enhance your overall cryptocurrency experience.
    Ensure to buy accounts from trustworthy sources to avoid

  150. Purchasing a verified Cash App account offers numerous benefits.
    It grants immediate access to transactional features which otherwise requires
    time to activate. An established Cash App account boosts transactional limits, enhances money transfer speed, and safeguards against potential fraud.
    They are pre-inspected for issues, reducing risk. With a verified
    Cash App account, you can enjoy peace of mind while managing your finances
    smoothly and quickly. Shop wisely, ensure seller reliability before

  151. Buying a verified Payoneer account streamlines your global transactions, ensuring easy
    and secure payment processing. Having a verified account provides credibility and trust, essential in the digital business world.
    Trusted by millions worldwide, Payoneer offers features like multi-currency handling, 24/7 customer service, and swift
    transfers. From freelancers to major corporates, it suits
    all sizes. However, remember to buy only from legitimate sources, ensuring your account is genuinely verified and safeguarded against potential digital fraud.

    Invest in a verified Payoneer account, simplify your international business transactions, and propel your game
    in the global market.

  152. Buying a verified Neteller account enhances security and
    increases transaction limits. It grants access to Neteller’s
    numerous services including online payments, money transfers,
    and crypto trading. The verification process is comprehensive,
    however, you can buy a pre-verified account, saving your time and hassle.
    Pre-verified accounts are handled by experts ensuring their legitimacy and
    efficiency. Always choose a reputable source to avoid scams and violations.

    With a verified Neteller account, enjoy swift and secure online financial transactions.

  153. Purchasing a verified Payoneer account proves highly beneficial as it offers you a flexible,
    secure, efficient way to receive online payments globally.
    It supports over 150 currencies, adding to your business’s international outreach.
    Therefore, if you’re unable to verify your Payoneer account for some reasons, buying a reputable, already
    verified account can be an excellent option. Ensure you’re purchasing from a trusted
    source to avoid fraudulent activities, always remember safety first.
    With a verified Payoneer account, enjoy swift transactions and expand your business worldwide.

  154. Purchasing a verified CoinPayments account is an asset for
    any crypto investor or business. This allows seamless transactions using over 1,270
    cryptocurrencies. The crucial benefit of a verified account is
    the heightened security it offers, reducing the risk of fraudulent
    activities. Moreover, it allows access to features like auto coin conversion,
    GAP600 instant confirmations, and vaulting service for added security.
    Thus, buying a verified CoinPayments account makes cryptocurrency transactions easier, faster, and more secure.

  155. Buying a verified Revolut account can bring simplification to your financial life.
    Access to a wide range of essential financial services such as instant global
    payments, personal loans, budgeting tools, and cryptocurrency exchange features makes it
    appealing. Verification ensures security, granting only you access to your funds.
    With a verified Revolut account, you can enjoy seamless transactions,
    safeguard your earnings, and maintain control of your finances.

    Remember, owning a verified account is a compliance requirement and not an optional convenience.
    It’s a one-time process that reaffirms Revolut’s commitment
    to keeping its banking platform safe, secure, and devoid of illicit activities.
    So get your account verified and enjoy the sublime flexibility and control Revolut

  156. Purchasing a verified Revolut account can simplify your life in many aspects.
    This financial super app not only allows seamless
    international money transfers but also a multitude of other
    features like budgeting and analytics. Revolut offers different
    tiers of accounts, including standard, premium, and
    metal, offering increasing privileges and services.
    One key benefit is access to cryptocurrencies. Buying a verified account ensures instant online transactions,
    free of charge! Additionally, user-friendly interfaces
    and strong customer support are other factors to
    consider. Shift towards financial empowerment with a verified Revolut account.

  157. Purchasing a verified CoinPayments account can revolutionize your cryptocurrency transaction experience.
    CoinPayments, a platform providing integrated payment gateways for cryptocurrencies,
    ensures secure transactions and storage for your digital
    assets. A verified account gives you access to over 1,300 cryptocurrencies, allowing
    easy and direct transactions without the need for intermediaries.
    This can be a game-changer for businesses and individuals dealing with cryptocurrencies on a
    regular basis. Along with the convenience,
    having a validated CoinPayments account also instills a level of
    trust with your trading partners. Make sure to buy your verified CoinPayments account from a
    reliable source and enjoy a streamlined crypto trading

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  159. Buying a verified Revolut account helps you access easy, fast, and secure financial services.

    The account offers you the functionality of a digital bank and money transfer service,
    making transactions much smoother. It provides
    exchange, spending, and remittances in different currencies, all at a
    competitively low fee. It’s ideal for frequent travelers
    or for those running international errands. After purchasing,
    the account is updated with your details, fully packed with
    a promise of cost-effective and painless banking. It’s a worthy investment.

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  161. Purchasing a verified Wise account can be highly beneficial.
    Owning a verified account enables seamless international money transfers at minimal fees.
    You can avoid expensive bank charges, enjoy better exchange rates, and ensure rapid transaction times.
    This ease of transaction is crucial, especially for those conducting
    cross-border business activities. It’s simple to open and verify
    your Wise account— just provide necessary identification documents and
    await approval. Operate globally without worrying about hidden charges with a Wise
    account. Buy yours!

  162. Securing a verified Wise account grants you access to fast, convenient and cost-effective international money
    transfers. This legally recognized account offers diverse
    currencies, ensuring global transactions are seamless.
    With robust security measures, it assures absolute safety to
    your investments. Buy your verified Wise account today and experience a
    revolutionized way of handling online finances.

  163. Investing in cryptocurrencies has become increasingly popular and Coinbase is among the leading cryptocurrency platforms.
    To participate, a verified Coinbase account is necessary.

    Buying a verified Coinbase account guarantees secure transactions and enables you to trade in various cryptocurrencies.
    A verified account offers seamless trading, ensures complete legal compliance, and reduces security risks.

    Moreover, it allows for higher buying and transaction limits.
    Therefore, owning a verified Coinbase account is essential for anyone keen on cryptocurrency trading.

  164. Buying a verified Binance account is a great move for anyone interested in jumping into the world of cryptocurrency
    trading. Binance is one of the largest and most reliable crypto exchanges globally, known for its diversification options and sophisticated features.
    Having a verified account allows you to trade large amounts of cryptocurrency,
    enables faster transactions, and delivers a broader range of
    functionalities than unverified accounts.
    It’s also a solid way to boost your security, as Binance’s verification process comes with advanced safeguard measures to protect your assets.
    Additionally, it provides a smooth trading experience without
    any unnecessary interruptions or restrictions, fostering seamless crypto trading.

  165. Purchasing a verified Binance account enables seamless transactions involving cryptocurrencies.
    An account comes with verification levels that impact withdrawal limits.

    Owning a verified account allows easy withdrawal of large sums, providing security and ease.
    Also, it saves time spent on completing the verification process.
    This could be key in volatile markets where every second counts.
    It is essential to acquire verified accounts from reputable sources to avoid falling prey
    to scams. Ensuring the safety of your financial information is paramount.
    Always keep your account details confidential to maintain their integrity.

  166. Buying a verified Coinbase account grants access to a premier cryptocurrency platform.

    With your account, you can trade, buy or sell a
    diverse range of cryptocurrencies. Verification ensures safety, mitigating potential
    risks and fraudulent activities. Additionally, it simplifies transactions empowering you
    with seamless movement of funds across borders, assuring you a secure, simple and swift cryptocurrency experience
    on a global scale.

  167. Investing in verified Blockchain.com accounts comes with numerous advantages.
    They offer secure transactions and advanced privacy measures.
    A blockchain account saves you setup time, swiftly increasing your crypto investments.
    Besides, the verification process is already completed,
    offering immediate trading access. Being a part of the reputed Blockchain.com
    community, it aids in efficient digital asset management.
    This attributes to the demand for buying verified Blockchain.com accounts.
    Grab yours today for a seamless crypto experience!

  168. Acquiring a verified Blockchain.com account offers numerous benefits, enhancing your crypto trading experience.
    This platform ensures top-notch security with its robust verification process,
    preventing fraudulent activities. It provides you access to an efficient
    and user-friendly interface to make your crypto transactions seamless.
    A verified account also provides increased transaction limits, allowing
    you to trade at a larger scale. Blockchain.com
    supports various cryptocurrencies, providing trading flexibility.

    Plus, it offers educational content, enabling users to
    understand the market better. Despite the
    process seeming complex, acquiring a Blockchain.com verified account
    is relatively simple and essential for serious crypto traders.

  169. Looking to buy a verified Blockchain.com account?
    Look no further! Get a secure and reliable account from us.
    With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies,
    it’s essential to have a trusted platform. Our verified Blockchain.com accounts ensure peace of mind
    and hassle-free transactions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
    Buy your account today!

  170. Buying a verified Bitstamp account can provide traders with a secure
    and reputable platform for cryptocurrency trading.
    With a trusted account, users can access various features like enhanced security measures,
    faster transactions, and reliable customer support.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your trading potential by purchasing a verified Bitstamp account today!

  171. Buying a verified Kraken account offers numerous benefits
    for crypto enthusiasts. It ensures smoother transactions, higher withdrawal limits, and increased security.

    Avoid the hassle of verification delays and unlock the full potential of your crypto
    trading experience with a verified Kraken account.

  172. Buy a verified Kraken account today and gain access to a secure and reliable cryptocurrency exchange platform.
    With a verified Kraken account, you can enjoy
    enhanced security measures, increased withdrawal
    limits, and a smoother trading experience.
    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the world
    of crypto with confidence. Get your verified Kraken account now!

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  175. Are you looking to delve into the world of cryptocurrency trading?
    Consider buying a verified Crypto.com account. These accounts offer convenience, security, and access to a wide
    range of features that will elevate your trading experience.
    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join the crypto revolution – get your verified Crypto.com account today!

  176. Buying a verified Crypto.com account has become an increasingly popular option for crypto enthusiasts.
    With the rising demand for crypto wallets
    with added security measures, a verified account on Crypto.com offers an extra layer of protection. In today’s
    digital world, where cyber threats are rampant,
    investing in a verified account ensures a safe and reliable
    platform for managing your cryptocurrency. So, if you’re looking to
    enhance your crypto experience and mitigate any potential risks,
    consider buying a verified Crypto.com account today.

  177. Buying a verified Amazon account may seem like
    a convenient option, but it comes with risks. These accounts can be used
    for nefarious activities like scamming or selling counterfeit
    products. It’s best to create your own account to ensure legitimacy and protect your reputation. Don’t compromise your business
    by buying a verified Amazon account.

  178. Looking to buy a verified Amazon account? Look no further!
    A verified Amazon account ensures a safe and reliable shopping experience.
    With access to exclusive perks and benefits, you can shop
    with confidence. Don’t settle for anything less, get your verified Amazon account

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  183. Are you tired of getting your Facebook ads account suspended or flagged?
    Buy a verified Facebook ads account today and ensure smooth and uninterrupted advertising for your business.

    Avoid the hassle of creating multiple accounts
    and let a trusted and verified account take care of your
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  185. Are you tired of struggling to get your ads approved on Facebook?
    With a verified Facebook ads account, you can save time and avoid the frustrations of constant rejections.
    Invest in a verified account today and start boosting your business to new heights on the world’s largest social media platform.
    Get yours now!

  186. Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level?

    Consider purchasing a GitHub account to join the largest developer community and access a vast
    repository of open-source projects. With features like version control and collaborative
    coding, a GitHub account is a valuable asset for any aspiring developer.

  187. Are you looking to boost your online advertising efforts on Google?
    Consider buying a verified Google Ads account!
    With a verified account, you can gain access to all the features and benefits Google Ads has to offer.
    Expand your reach, increase conversions, and take your business to new
    heights with a trusted and reliable Google Ads account.
    Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

  188. Are you looking to expand your reach on Instagram?
    Buying an Instagram account can be a great way to jumpstart
    your online presence. From a wider audience to established followers, an existing account saves you
    time and effort. With the right strategy, you can grow your brand exponentially in no time.
    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy an Instagram account and take your social media game to the next

  189. Gmail accounts are an essential tool for individuals and
    businesses in the digital age. They offer secure communication and integration with various platforms.
    Buying Gmail accounts ensures a reliable email service with access to Google’s
    suite of productivity tools, making it a smart investment for anyone seeking efficient and professional online communication.

  190. Looking to expand your online presence? Buy Gmail account and unlock a world
    of opportunities. With a reliable and secure email service, you can easily manage your communications, improve
    productivity, and gain access to various Google services.
    Don’t miss out on the advantages it offers, get yourself a Gmail account

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