Un centenar de obras de Antoni Gaudí se han trasladado por primera vez a América Latina para una gran exposición en Brasil. La muestra, titulada «Gaudí: Barcelona 1900», podrá verse hasta abril de 2017 en las ciudades de Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro y Florianópolis.


Las obras provienen de los fondos del Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), el Museu de la Sagrada Familia y la Fundación Catalunya-La Pedrera. Junto con diversas maquetas y mobiliario del célebre arquitecto catalán, viajarán a Brasil pinturas de Rusiñol, Casas o Vayreda, además de esculturas de Llimona, Clarà o Reynés. La exposición también contará con objetos de arquitectos coetaneos de Gaudí como Josep Maria Jujol o Puig i Cadafalch.


Todo, dicen los organizadores, para mostrar al público brasileño el entorno de la figura de Gaudí y la Barcelona modernista del 1900Pepe Serra, director del MNAC, explicó que las obras que viajarán a Brasil «recrean la vitalidad creativa de la Barcelona de inicios del siglo XX, momento en el que se desarrolla el movimiento modernista y la ciudad se convierte en uno de los epicentros del arte europeo». Según Serra, se trata de «un conjunto representativo de la colección de arte modernista del MNAC«. El director del museo también agradeció el papel de la Fundación Tomie Ohtake y Arteris (filial de Abertis) para llevar las piezas a Brasil.


Lee más de esta noticia en LaRazón.es

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    Such is the case with Bobbi Brown’s long-wear gel eyeliner, which is now available online at Nordstrom for a mere $27. The now 37-year-old Duchess of Cambridge famously wore the gel liner on the day of her wedding to Prince William in 2011. (It’s also worth noting that she did her own makeup, bless her.) Even though she’s not technically a professional makeup artist, she chose her eyeliner well. Consistency: The consistency is one thing I am not a fan of with this pencil. It does tend to drag on the skin and be a little difficult to draw a line with. I have to hold my eye taut for me to get a straight line and I usually never do that with eyeliner. I have crow’s feet and I feel holding the eye taut like that isn’t doing it any favours. If you want something very very creamy, then I do not recommend this pencil because the texture is a little hard and difficult to work with.

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    for users Imagine Super Smash Bros but as an online multiplayer game on PC and you have Brawlhalla. The fighting mechanics are unique and dynamic with a variety of characters to choose from. The highlight comes in the many game modes on offer such as “Brawlball” and “Kung-foot” together with the weekly tournaments and ranked seasons. It is up to you: Which online game do you choose? It’s been almost a decade since Guild Wars 2 arrived, and in the years since it has gained something more important than just a polished gameplay experience or a regular infusion of new content: a sizable and dedicated audience. Communities are the lifeblood of free-to-play games, and Guild Wars 2 (which wasn’t always a free-to-play game) has servers filled with thousands of players at any given moment in time. That makes for a game that lives up to its MMORPG title, and with gameplay that feels gameplay within the core experience, it’s no wonder that fans are still invested in this title.

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    Hmm, something went wrong. The voluminous sleeves on the latest Ankara designs make each style unique. Tailors use dramatic sleeves to make the dress draw attention, which delights most women. As a result, dresses with puffed sleeves are trendy in 2023. Have a look at these straight-long gown styles: You can decide to have a Cinderella-cut ankara long gown or jump in with an edgy design for bold statements. Here are the latest ankara long gown fashion styles for a bolder look at any occasion: If you are confident in your body and want to show it off in its entirety, go for a flay gown infused with chiffon. It is one of the Ankara long flay gown styles that looks classy and stylish. This classy gown has a sleek appeal, and a double one-hand and chiffon net are added to advance the style. Every fashion lover would love to have the latest Ankara long gown in 2022. Women are open to new ideas and are willing to experiment with native designs that have a touch of western culture. Here is a list of Ankara long gowns for women that will set you apart at any event and leave everyone staring at you in admiration.

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    The fitted singlet is, indeed, a risk when worn outside of the house, requiring confidence in a non-arrogant/gym-dude kind of way. With the vintage Americana trend (think Marlon Brando) set to continue in 2015, pair a crisp white tank (think simple and minimal, avoiding prints) with linen cotton trousers. Nipple-proof the look by going for a heavier fabric that adds more depth and texture, such as ribbed cotton. To achieve this super minimal outfit, you can simply wear a white relaxed fit ribbed tank top as the focal point of your outfit. Pair the top with a pair of light blue slim fit jeans and a pair of white low-top sneakers. You've probably owned a six-pack of these at some point or another, and with good reason: Hanes's no-frills, no-tags, all-cotton ribbed tanks are a preposterous value. They're cut flatteringly from pure cotton, which means they're presentable enough to wear on their own, and breathable and comfortable enough to survive the swampiest days of August. They're best served, of course, as an undershirt—ideally peeking out from beneath a flowy button-down or polo sweater, the way the goodfellas in Goodfellas would do it. 

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